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About Us

Why I offer this to you

I have been in the Real Estate business 27 years (licensed 12/23/1996) and have been a Broker 17 years (licensed 10/14/2006).
Any time that you have worked in any business for that many years, you learn what can be improved to make it better.

I see people that struggle every day and work hard to make ends meet. Usually, their home equity is their largest asset and when
they go to liquidate that assets, they are charged extremely high fees (commissions) in order to do this.

In my opinion, this is simply not fair and this is why I am offering this concept to anyone that wishes to sell their home.

Real Estate Broker

Let's Talk About Selling Your Home For Less Commission

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Contact Us

Contact us for a quote, help, or to join the team.


What Our Client Says About Us!

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